Category Archives: Anniversary

Love Lives Here Anniversary Card

I made this card for a customer who asked for a love themed card to celebrate the anniversary of her moving in with her now husband. The title is computer generated and the heart was cut with the Cricut and Doodlecharms cartridge. The house was created with just my paper trimmer and some gingham.
I recently made a few changes to my blog and would love to hear what you think about my newly added Portfolio and About Me page. Thanks for stopping by. I hope you enjoyed today’s card!

Love Lives Here Anniversary Card

Penny Black Polaroid Card

For this polaroid card, I used the dog from the Penny Black transparent stamp set “Every Which Way” and combined him with a title from “the touch of love”.
I colored the dog and heart balloon using Prismacolor Pencils and Mona Lisa Odorless Paint Thinner. To add dimension, I fussy cut them, popped them up on crafting foam and applied Glossy Accents to the heart. The polaroid itself is mounted on dimensionals as well.
To give my card a finished look, I created a stitched border using my white gel pen.
This is my second entry for the April challenge at Penny Black @ Allsorts.
If you are interested, you can see the first card I submitted here.
Thanks for spending some of your time with me! I would love to hear what you think about my card.

Penny Black Polaroid Card

Butterfly Anniversary Card

Today’s card is a clean & simple anniversary card I made for my parents. This time I didn’t do much stamping but decided to use my Martha Stewart butterfly punch instead. For more dimension, I layered the butterflies and popped up the front panel using dimensionals. I also added some pearl stickers to the butterflies.
As always, thanks for looking!

Butterfly Anniversary Card

Cuttlebug Wedding Card

Today I want to share a custom order wedding card with you. The customer didn’t have a specific design in mind so I went for a clean and elegant look. I had my Cuttlebug do most of the work and embossed the background with the D’vine Swirl and Swiss Dots folders. I framed the title, an American Art stamp, using my Nestabilities and adhered it with dimensional pads. As a final touch, I added a couple of embossed butterflies.
I hope you like what you see! Thanks for all your wonderful comments, they mean a lot to me.

Cuttlebug Wedding Card 1

Cuttlebug Wedding Card 2

Penny Black “Love You Bunches” Anniversary Card

I made this cute little card for my husband for our 4th wedding anniversary. Wow, where did the past 4 years go?

I framed the Penny Black dog and title using my Scor-pal. Also, I applied some Glossy Accents to the rose, added a scalloped border and finished it all off by rounding off the card’s corners with my Fiskars corner rounder punch.

Thanks for taking a look at my card and thanks for all your wonderful comments! Please keep them coming :). I always enjoy reading what you think about my projects.

Penny Black Love You Bunches Anniversary Card

50th Wedding Anniversary Card

Today I have a clean and simple 50th wedding anniversary card for you. The title “Happy Anniversary” is a Penny Black stamp which I framed using my Spellbinders Nestabilities. The hearts were cut out with the Cricut and the Doodlecharms cartridge. I partially embossed the white background with the Cuttlebug and Swiss Dots embossing folder and added 3 scored lines with my Scor-pal.
Even though the card is different from my usual cardmaking style, I really like how it turned out and hope that the couple that will be receiving it will like it too. What do you think?
Thanks for stopping by and taking a look at my card.

50th Wedding Anniversary Card

50th Wedding Anniversary Card side view

Penny Black Hedgehog “I Love You” Card

I’m back with a love themed card that I made for my husband. Both the image and title are Penny Black clear stamps. The hedgie is from “Bubbly” and the title is from “Every Which Way”. For the window I used my Spellbinders scalloped circle Nestabilities. To bring out the red of the ladybug I applied some Glossy Accents.
Hope you like it and thanks for looking.

Penny Black Hedgehog I Love You Card

Penny Black Engagement/Wedding/Anniversary Card

The card below is now on its way to a good friend of mine. The image of the hugging hedgehogs is from the Penny Black clear stamp set “Every Which Way” and the title is a stamp by American Art Stamp. I framed the hedgehogs and title using my scalloped oval Nestabilities. Have a great weekend everybody!

Penny Black Every Which Way embracing hedgehogs