Category Archives: Valentine’s Day

Penny Black Polaroid Card

For this polaroid card, I used the dog from the Penny Black transparent stamp set “Every Which Way” and combined him with a title from “the touch of love”.
I colored the dog and heart balloon using Prismacolor Pencils and Mona Lisa Odorless Paint Thinner. To add dimension, I fussy cut them, popped them up on crafting foam and applied Glossy Accents to the heart. The polaroid itself is mounted on dimensionals as well.
To give my card a finished look, I created a stitched border using my white gel pen.
This is my second entry for the April challenge at Penny Black @ Allsorts.
If you are interested, you can see the first card I submitted here.
Thanks for spending some of your time with me! I would love to hear what you think about my card.

Penny Black Polaroid Card

Hedgehog Kisses Valentine’s Day Card

Happy Valentine’s Day! For today’s card I went with the Penny Black stamp “hedgehog kisses”. I colored the image using Prismacolor Pencils and Mona Lisa Odorless Paint Thinner and paper pieced the balloons. The title is computer generated.
I’m entering this card in the current Cas-ual Fridays Challenge.
Thanks for looking!

Hedgehog Kisses Valentine's Day Card

Penny Black “Love You Bunches” Anniversary Card

I made this cute little card for my husband for our 4th wedding anniversary. Wow, where did the past 4 years go?

I framed the Penny Black dog and title using my Scor-pal. Also, I applied some Glossy Accents to the rose, added a scalloped border and finished it all off by rounding off the card’s corners with my Fiskars corner rounder punch.

Thanks for taking a look at my card and thanks for all your wonderful comments! Please keep them coming :). I always enjoy reading what you think about my projects.

Penny Black Love You Bunches Anniversary Card

Valentine’s Day Tent Card & Cupcake Topper

Lately I have been seeing lots and lots of tent cards everywhere and thought Valentine’s Day would be a good opportunity to give it a try myself. So here’s my take on a tent fold featuring the Penny Black dog from “Every Which Way”, my scalloped circle Nestabilities and some cloud pattern paper by A Muse.

Valentine's Day Tent Card

I also did some baking yesterday and surprised my husband with these chocolate cupcakes. For the cupcake topper I chose the same Penny Black image as for the card above and finished it off by adding some Glossy Accents to the heart. Hope you had a great Valentine’s Day!

Valentine's Day Tent Card and Cupcake Topper

Penny Black Hedgehog “I Love You” Card

I’m back with a love themed card that I made for my husband. Both the image and title are Penny Black clear stamps. The hedgie is from “Bubbly” and the title is from “Every Which Way”. For the window I used my Spellbinders scalloped circle Nestabilities. To bring out the red of the ladybug I applied some Glossy Accents.
Hope you like it and thanks for looking.

Penny Black Hedgehog I Love You Card

Monkey Valentine’s Day Card

I made this monkey Valentine’s Day card for my husband. The monkey is from the Cricut cartridge Zooballoo and the heart from Doodlecharms. To add some texture to the card, I embossed the white background with the Cuttlebug and Swiss Dots embossing folder. The title is computer generated. I hope you all had a great Valentine’s Day and thanks for looking.

Zooballoo Monkey Valentine's Day Card