Tag Archives: glossy accents

Penny Black Polaroid Card

For this polaroid card, I used the dog from the Penny Black transparent stamp set “Every Which Way” and combined him with a title from “the touch of love”.
I colored the dog and heart balloon using Prismacolor Pencils and Mona Lisa Odorless Paint Thinner. To add dimension, I fussy cut them, popped them up on crafting foam and applied Glossy Accents to the heart. The polaroid itself is mounted on dimensionals as well.
To give my card a finished look, I created a stitched border using my white gel pen.
This is my second entry for the April challenge at Penny Black @ Allsorts.
If you are interested, you can see the first card I submitted here.
Thanks for spending some of your time with me! I would love to hear what you think about my card.

Penny Black Polaroid Card

Caroling Hedgehog Christmas Card

I’m back with another Christmas card. I created the card base with my scalloped square Nestabilities and Cuttlebug. Both the title and caroling hedgehog are Penny Black stamps. I colored the hedgehog with Prismacolor Pencils and Mona Lisa Odorless Paint Thinner. To add dimension, I layered both of his hands, the musical note sheet and lantern. For a more realistic look, I applied Glossy Accents to the glass part of the lantern. To complete my card, I added a bow and applied flocking powder to the hedgehog’s Santa hat and the area right below his feet.
Thanks for looking! I hope you are enjoying your weekend.

Caroling Hedgehog Christmas Card

Penny Black Guest Designer Challenge Card 2 of 2

Here’s my second card for the Penny Black “guest designer” challenge. I went with the rubber stamp “fly with me” and teamed up Teddy with one of the titles from the transparent stamp set “Critter Party”. I paper pieced the kite as well as Teddy’s overall using Penny Black cardstock and in a final step added a little bit of Glossy Accents to the heart on the kite.
Thanks for looking and have a wonderful day.

Penny Black Guest Designer Challenge Card 2 of 2

Penny Black Holly Jolly Christmas Card

I made another Christmas card today using the Penny Black transparent stamp set “Holly-Jolly”. I cut out the hedgehog and snowman, mounted them using dimensional foam and added some Glossy Accents to the snowman’s nose.
I’m entering this card in this week’s Penny Black “Critter” challenge and the “Get Ahead for Christmas” challenge at Penny Black @ Allsorts.
I hope you are having a great weekend! Until next time.

Penny Black Holly Jolly Christmas Card

Penny Black “Love You Bunches” Anniversary Card

I made this cute little card for my husband for our 4th wedding anniversary. Wow, where did the past 4 years go?

I framed the Penny Black dog and title using my Scor-pal. Also, I applied some Glossy Accents to the rose, added a scalloped border and finished it all off by rounding off the card’s corners with my Fiskars corner rounder punch.

Thanks for taking a look at my card and thanks for all your wonderful comments! Please keep them coming :). I always enjoy reading what you think about my projects.

Penny Black Love You Bunches Anniversary Card

Easel Thank You Card

My first attempt at an easel card: I made this easel thank you card for my parents who sent us a package filled with chocolate and other German goodies.

The hedgehog is one of my favorite stamps from the Penny Black clear stamp set “Bubbly” and the title is my new Penny Black title stamp called “gratitude”.

I had a lot of fun making this card and will definitely make some more easel cards in the future.

Thanks for taking a look at my card. I would love to hear what you think about it.

Easel Thank You Card side view

Easel Thank You Card front

Valentine’s Day Tent Card & Cupcake Topper

Lately I have been seeing lots and lots of tent cards everywhere and thought Valentine’s Day would be a good opportunity to give it a try myself. So here’s my take on a tent fold featuring the Penny Black dog from “Every Which Way”, my scalloped circle Nestabilities and some cloud pattern paper by A Muse.

Valentine's Day Tent Card

I also did some baking yesterday and surprised my husband with these chocolate cupcakes. For the cupcake topper I chose the same Penny Black image as for the card above and finished it off by adding some Glossy Accents to the heart. Hope you had a great Valentine’s Day!

Valentine's Day Tent Card and Cupcake Topper

Penny Black Hedgehog “I Love You” Card

I’m back with a love themed card that I made for my husband. Both the image and title are Penny Black clear stamps. The hedgie is from “Bubbly” and the title is from “Every Which Way”. For the window I used my Spellbinders scalloped circle Nestabilities. To bring out the red of the ladybug I applied some Glossy Accents.
Hope you like it and thanks for looking.

Penny Black Hedgehog I Love You Card

Penny Black Bookmarks

I made a couple of bookmarks with Penny Black images from “Bubbly” and “Every Which Way”. The stamped titles are from “Critter Party” and “Wonderful”. For both bookmarks I used my Fiskars scalloped border punch. To add dimension, I applied Glossy Accents to the heart on the second bookmark. To see pictures of the matching cards please click here and here. Enjoy!

Penny Black Mouse Bookmark

Penny Black Dog Bookmark

Christmas Cards 2010

I’m very excited to finally get to share this year’s Christmas cards with you!

For the first card, a z-fold card, I used my “Warm & Cold” Penny Black stamp as well as my new Spellbinders scalloped circle Nestabilities. The framing around the snowman which can be seen in picture #2 was done with the Scor-pal. As always, I colored my image with Prismacolor Pencils and Mona Lisa Odorless Paint Thinner. To bring out the snowman’s rosy cheeks, I added some of my recently purchased Glossy Accents. For those of you interested in making a z-fold card, I cut my piece of cardstock down to 12″x 4″ and scored it at 4″ and 8″.

Penny Black Snowman z-fold card front

Penny Black Snowman z-fold card inside

Penny Black Snowman z-fold card back

The second card features my newest Penny Black stamp called “Snow Fun”. I framed the image of the hedgies with my Scor-pal and added some Glossy Accents to the Santa hat. The title is a gstudio clear stamp.

Penny Black Sledding Hedgehogs Christmas Card

My third and last card for this post is another Penny Black snowman card using the “Warm & Cold” stamp. Its design is similar to that of last year’s snowman card. I love how you can create so many different looks with only 1 stamp! The title is a stamp by Hero Arts. I hope you like what you see. Thanks for stopping by!

Penny Black Warm and Cold Snowman Card