Tag Archives: Joys of the Season Cricut cartridge

Penguin Birthday Card

I needed a winter birthday card and chose to go with the penguin from the Cricut cartridge Joys of the Season. For dimension and texture, I embossed the white background using the Cuttlebug snowflake folder and added some ribbon. The title is computer generated. Thanks for taking a look at my card! Until next time.

Joys of the Season Penguin Birthday Card

A Cricut Christmas Card for my Etsy store!

I opened my Etsy Store a couple of days ago and this is one of the first cards that is up for sale. The snowman is from the Cricut Doodlecharms cartridge, the snowglobe from Joys of the Season and the snowflakes are from Christmas Cheer. The title is a Beyond Birthdays cut out. I added a layer of embossed cardstock for texture and dimension. Thanks for visiting!

Cricut Christmas card featuring Doodlecharms snowman inside Joys of the Season snowglobe easel shot

Cricut Christmas card featuring Doodlecharms snowman inside Joys of the Season snowglobe card front

Cricut Christmas card featuring Doodlecharms snowman inside Joys of the Season snowglobe side view

Cricut Christmas Cards 2008 Part 2

I simply love the Cricut Christmas Cheer sleigh; the bottom part is so detailed! The little bear that’s riding the sleigh is from Doodlecharms.

Cricut Christmas card with Christmas Cheer sleigh and Doodlecharms bear

In addition to die-cutting and cuttlebugging, I wanted to try some stamping. My wonderful sister-in-law gave me this very cute Penny Black stamp called “Lighting Up”. I colored it using Prismacolor Pencils and Mona Lisa Odorless Paint Thinner. As you might notice, this is not the whole stamp. I decided to cut out the hedgie and adhered it with mounting foam. The snowflakes and tree are from Christmas Cheer and the title is from Opposites Attract.

Penny Black Lighting Up Christmas card

The hedgie is so cute I had to use it for more than just one card! I love how the white and blue cuttlebugged background makes the colors pop! For the frame I used George and Basic Shapes.

Penny Black Lighting Up hedgehog trimming Cricut Christmas tree

My last hedgie card (for now). The title “Joy” is from the Cricut cartridge Base Camp.

Penny Black hedgehog Christmas card with Base Camp Cricut title

I bought Joys of the Season the other week and thought the gloves would look great on a Christmas card.

Joys of the Season Cricut Christmas card

I wish you all a wonderful Christmas time and a happy and healthy New Year! Thanks for looking and please let me know what you think! Which card is your favorite?