Tag Archives: Penny Black exhilarating 4006J

Skiing Hedgehog Christmas Card

I’m here with another Penny Black Christmas card that I’m submitting to the current Penny Black @ Allsorts Challenge.
The skiing hedgehog is a stamp by Penny Black called “exhilarating” and the title is from the Penny Black clear stamp set “the wonder”. For a finished look, I added a punched out snowflake and applied some flocking powder to the hedgehog’s Santa hat and the area below his skis.
I colored the hedgehog using Prismacolor Pencils and Mona Lisa Odorless Paint Thinner. In the past, I have watercolored a couple of images (please click here and here) but I always seem to go back to my Prismacolor Pencils. What coloring technique do you use the most?
Thanks for taking a look at my card. I always look forward to your comments!

Skiing Hedgehog Christmas Card