Skiing Hedgehog Christmas Card

I’m here with another Penny Black Christmas card that I’m submitting to the current Penny Black @ Allsorts Challenge.
The skiing hedgehog is a stamp by Penny Black called “exhilarating” and the title is from the Penny Black clear stamp set “the wonder”. For a finished look, I added a punched out snowflake and applied some flocking powder to the hedgehog’s Santa hat and the area below his skis.
I colored the hedgehog using Prismacolor Pencils and Mona Lisa Odorless Paint Thinner. In the past, I have watercolored a couple of images (please click here and here) but I always seem to go back to my Prismacolor Pencils. What coloring technique do you use the most?
Thanks for taking a look at my card. I always look forward to your comments!

Skiing Hedgehog Christmas Card

25 thoughts on “Skiing Hedgehog Christmas Card

  1. Carola

    Liebe Silke

    Das ist auch wieder eine sehr schöne Weihnachtskarte. Der Igel ist so süss, wie er da den Abhang hinunter saust. Der Schneeflockenhimmel und die gestanzte Schneeflocke gefallen mir auch ganz gut.

    Ich verwende für meine Abdrücke eigentlich nur noch Aquarellpapier und coloriere mit den Distress Stempelkissen, damit komme ich am besten zurecht. Und ich finde, diese Art Colorieren geht sehr schnell und das ist für mich ein nicht unwichtiger Aspekt *grins*. Ich habe zwar auch eine (ganz) grosse Box Pablos und habe auch schon mit ihnen und dem Terpentinersatz coloriert, aber mit meinen Ergebnissen war ich nie wirklich zufrieden und ich kam irgendwie nicht so gut zurecht damit.

    Schönen Tag und liebe Grüsse

  2. Clare T

    Very sweet Christmas Card Silke. Hedgie looks like he’s having loads of fun.
    Thank you for joining our challenge at Penny Black at Allsorts this month and good luck!
    Clare x

  3. Jocelyn

    Love your card Silke – it’s gorgeous! Love the flock (one of my favourite things to use on Christmas cards). Love how you did the the snowy hill with the torn edge – what a fab idea. The hedgie really looks like he is whizzing down the hill.

    I use pencils mostly to colour my images: watecolour pencils (on watercolour paper) – plus I also love using Prismacolor and Derwent Coloursoft pencils + Odourless Mineral Spirits. I am really a coloured pencil girl and whilst i would like to try Copics, I just know I would want every single colour – hmmm – a slippery slope!


  4. Brenda

    A really great Christmas card Silke and so cleverly put together with the snow and sky to create a pretty scene.

    Thank you so much for sharing with us at Penny Black at Allsorts Challenge this month and good luck.

    B x

  5. Shirley

    This is such a cute card Sike. Such a cute image too and your Prisma colouring is just perfect.
    Thank you for sharing your pretty card with us at penny Black at Allsorts,.Good luck in the prize draw and we hope you will join us again next month.


  6. Cheryl (shestamps)

    Awww, it doesn’t get much cuter than this!

    I love how you used your pencils. I am now addicted to my Copic markers. Funny, when I first tried them after using pencils for a while, I didn’t like them at all. Now they are one of my favorite crafting tools.


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